AUSTRO Baumaschinen

Change of address in Brno!

From 6 January 2020 the address of the Brno branch will change. Service, spare parts warehouse, offices, machines ... we move everything from Vídeňská 264 / 120b to

Veveří 269, Ostrovačice 664 81 (exit 178, D1) - new mailing address.

The address of the registered office of the company remains unchanged.

At the new address we expect larger and more comfortable premises, mainly for the workshop and spare parts warehouse.

The operation of the spare parts warehouse will be limited at the time of moving.

16.12.2019 - 10.1.2020 - Limited warehouse operation

23.12. - 5.1.2020 - fully closed

You can call the NON STOP service line without restriction

From 6.1.2020 we will be happy to welcome you to our new address.
